Saturday, October 02, 2004
Party Like It's 1988!
Happy Anniversary, Deena and Dave! (actually, it was yesterday.. oops...) Here's a family shot at my sister's wedding, October 1, 1988. From left, Jennifer Thrasher (bridesmaid and Dee's best friend), Mom, Dad, Deena, Dave, our wonderful Aunt Lena (at 93!) and yours truly, a glowing and youthful 28.
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Friday, October 01, 2004
Nearer Than Heaven...
Stake your claim on the morning sun... And New York has plenty of it this morning, shimmering in the crisp autumn air. Starbucks surprised me yesterday at 6am when, while buying my morning latte, they gave me a free gift box with a book of "Poetry from the Coffee Lands" and a mini-pouch of coffee beans. At first glance, the book's actually pretty good - Octavio Paz represents Mexico - I'll have to share some examples with you later. Also just in: got an interestng letter from Marlina in Indonesia - I support her and her village, Warga Bahagia. More on that later. Up this weekend: galleries, Supergrass concert, Sunday afternoon in the village near Hudson River Park, probably a movie tonight... Happy Friday, all...
French Friday follows the cartoons / Aprés les desseins suivra 'vendredi français
Bonjour les garçons! J'suis vraiment en forme ce matin. Comme il fait beau a NY en octobre, avec un soleil resplendissant, de l'air frais, une temperature plus baisse mais fort agréable. Ma soeur Deena va mieux, elle attend toujours sa chirurgie, mais du moins elle l'attend chez soi. Regarde dimanche, j'ai commencé un petit paragraphe hebdo en espagnol, pour Andres et mes amis hispanophones. Cette semaine sur mon blog, j'ai mis des photos de Mali (pas les miennes), un homage d'anniversaire pour mon ex Brian, un déjeuner dégeulasse mais obligatoire au boulot, des desseins, de l'humour. J'ai vu les debats presidentiels hier soir (ça m'a couté 90 minutes de sommeil), je crois que Kerry a réussi, et qu'il va monter dans les sondages - ce sera trés etroit, je crois, mais a la fin, j'éspere que mon pays a le courage de changer de cheval en pleine guerre... Sur l'itineraire de ce weekend: des galleries, un concert de Supergrass a Webster Hall avec Thomas (qui part le 6 octobre pour la France), dimanche au village et sur les quais avec Christi, un film, de la musique... ah, vendredi...
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Friday On My Mind....
And here's New Dehli's Jama Masjid, literally Friday Mosque, India's largest. Surprisinly, the top attractions in India's capital are all Moslem, simply because the city was never ruled by Hindus until 1948 and independence. It was built by the Moslem Moguls, who ruled until the British came in. I was there in 2001, and saw female Westerners with sheets covering their bare arms and legs. Under the Mosque's portico, I saw sleeping transients woken up with the billy club of a nasty Indian policeman. During my visit, a week before the WTC attack, my hotel was hosting the state's annual gourmet cooking festival, and I set out to eat the slowest, most scrumptious meal of my life, with some success.
And now for some humor, including a cartoon...
Onion 1 - From the Onion Archives of my favorite feature, “What Do YOU Think?
Question 1: “The National Sleep Foundation recently announced that American children are not getting enough sleep. What do you think?”
Answer 1: "It's no surprise. The obese often have trouble sleeping."
Question 2: "Decried as gas-guzzling road hazards, SUVs are also under fire for supporting terrorism by increasing U.S. dependence on Mideast oil. What do you think?”
Answer 2: "Yes, the average U.S. automobile has doubled in weight since 1990, but so has the average U.S. citizen."
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
"Comparing (Bush's) grandiose promises to his failed record, it's enough to make anyone want to, well, sigh." - Al Gore, in his excellent NYT op-ed piece of today entitled "How To Debate George Bush."
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Hello, Mali...
Pack yer bags. Tired o' my own pictures, we're going to Mali, east of Mauritania.. ...and home to many sacred sites. At left, Bina Shrine on Mali's Bandiagara escarpment.
Cartoons will follow at the very bottom...
Uneventful day. I worked a lot. Dis-assembled and re-assembled my computer for absolutely nothing... Some screws just won't unscrew....
Rite of passage ceremonial site for Dogon boys becoming men:
The Dogon village of Songo, with its reknown mud mosque...
Handy map of Mali:
And finally, les cartoons du jour...
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Happy Birthday, Brian!
It's the big day for Bri - on Sep 28 of fall after the summer of love, baby Brian came into this world. Our birthday salute to Bri includes photos taken in Paris, Sweden (the tongue), the Norwegian-Russian border, and that happenin' city, Pasadena.
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Grease In Dubious Formations (Castle Hassle)
Leery Of Lunch: My floor's head honcho had an inspiration last week: offer his co-workers and floormates a White Castle luncheon feast as a morale booster. I think what got boosted the most was Alka Seltzer usage. Uggh.
Mountains of ghastly square burgers with tart relish and a plastic-like texture. Chicken "rings" which I initially mistook for undercooked onion rings, I think this hymn to deep-frying and chicken-reprocessing is what White Castle counts as a "health offering"
Grease-saturated wax paper in corrugated cartons offered us Mozzarella sticks, fish and cheese sandwiches, undercooked french fries... Vive le Salad Bar, baby!
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
What Do All The People Know? : - )
Vanity Fair was thoroughly enjoyable and engaging, I thought. Good plotting, acting, and dialogue, and glorious period recreation - think of it as a two-hour trip to 1820 England, in interesting company. Not bad for a summer movie headlined by a Hollywood starlet. I'm glad I wasn't deterred by mixed reviews, my gut feeling was it's better to aim high (british lit) and fall short of a perfect 10. True, I hadn't read the book, and thus had no pre-existing images in my mind, esp. of heroine Becky Sharp. Reese Witherspoon (pictured here as pregnant Becky) brought a tough-girl, ambitious, somewhat mocking sensibility to the role, and created a convincing character. My friend Pat, an english lit enthusiast, was not disappointed. Now I'd like to see Bright Young Things, the adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies (title reportedly changed to avoid confusion with horror films!).
This evening I'll post Friday's awful White Castle lunch party at work - the most vile meal I've eaten in ages.
Spanish Sunday / Domingo en Castellano follows, in honor of Andres in Argentina, who was my boyfriend from 1988-1993 and who I'm still very close to. He recently sent me a great poem...
Hoy es domingo, ya van 5 días que es otoño pero todavía parece verano. Hay mucho sol, lastima que tenga que trabajar por lo menos 3-4 horas para ponerme al día con mis proyectos. Anoche vi "Vanity Fair (Feria de las Vanidades)" una película que me gustó mucho a pesar de la crítica mixta que tuvo. Es a base de una novela de principios del siglo 19 y da un cuadro detallado de la sociedad inglesa de este entonces, vista por una governanta pobre que sube los escalones de la sociedad a fuerza de su genio, belleza y osadía. ¿qué mas? entre las fotos que puse esta semana hay una linda postal que Christi me envió de Cozumel donde pasó 10 días con su hija, hermana, y cuñado dedicada a natación, buceo, y la exploración de ruinas indias. David de Míami envió fotos de su entorno, hoy sufre huracán numero cuatro - la peor temporada desde hace 86 años. Pronto, fotos de perros de los cuatro rincones del mundo, aventuras de Doug en Kazakstan, y el almuerzo intragable que dieron en mi oficina el viernes. Hasta pronto, besos - Aaron
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