Friday, February 13, 2004

See You On Monday?

Well, I'm off for a weekend up in Millerton, NY with Sundance, my gay outdoors club. I'll be out of internet range until Monday. Saturday should be especially memorable: My first skiing experience, hopefully a lesson downhill on a very flat bunny slope : - )

867-5309!. You, too, can have Jenny's phone number, via E-bay - details on Gothamist, a NYC-themed group weblog which is like a virtual alternative newspaper! (Mom, this refers to a pop song from 1981; Deena will explain)

Onion to the rescue! My favorite newspaper supplies well-needed levity as the gay marriage battle rages - read their hilarious 'man on the street interview'

p.s. images of the day from Toronto-based TopLeftPixel, an interesting fotoblog

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Thursday, February 12, 2004

Mayonnaise King For A Day

Coronation at 30,000 feet. Flashback: Five years ago, high above the plains of Brazil, there was an 'airplane seat lottery' sponsored by Varig Airlines and Hellman's Mayonnaise in which my friend and ex, Brian A. Hall, was crowned Mayonnaise King (Rei da Maionesa). Many people, however, are anti-mayonnaise, and Brian's scared of it.

Bookmark This Book Mark! Complete Review's book review site is the most comprehensive and user-friendly I have seen, and even gives letter grades. I recently finished reading Ian McEwan's riveting "Atonement" - oh, all right, I listened to it on CD in German - - but I'm sure it's great in any tongue (unlike mayonnaise).

It's about the consequences of a 13-year-old girl's lie on several family members and friends, seen at three points in time over 60 years. It's engaging drama, but on another level it's about the nature of regret, repetenance, truth in life and in art. Complete Review gave it an "A." I think it would make a great movie - remember I said this : - )
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Waiting for a Signal or a Sound

Time Out For Love... I can't believe I have no takers for French musical duo Air's stunningly pretty "Talkie Walkie" CD - Santa is disappointed in you! To rectify this and request it, click here.

High Flying Play (and Audience). "Five Flights," the play Bart and I were fortunate enough to see last night, was original, quirky, beautifully acted and directed, and highly engaging. Hard to describe, it's a comedy/drama about... birds, gay love, ballet, a crumbling aviary, and compulsives both religious and secular. Running through late February at Rattlestick Theatre in Greenwich Village. Spotted in the audience: actress Blair Brown of TV's "Days and Nights of Molly Dodd."

Keep Corporate America Out of my Urine! I had my first-ever drug test today for my new job (my last new job began in 1982, before just-say-no turned into check-your-pee-at-the-door). How invasive, and I don't even do any drugs... I formally accepted the ABN-AMRO job offer today, with a flurry of paperwork. Start day is next Tuesday, beginning with - I kid you not - a three hour orientation....
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Aaron Accesses Art Areas

48F and feeling fine! Chelsea felt springlike today, wind-free and sun-drenched. I finally had some quality gallery time, images of which I share with you here...

Christi and Chopsticks. Was pleased to lunch with my friend Christi Aguiar today at Grand Sichuan on 9th & 24th, last chance before we dive into the new job and 2 weeks in San Francisco, respectively. Unassuming but very unusual, GCI serves authentic regional fare (loofah, duck w bitter melon, red pork w chestnuts) and relegates more familiar 'sesame, orange, and ginger' fare to the "American Chinese Food" section of the menu.

News You Can Use, Five Flights Worth. Theatre tonight! Yahoo! My friend Bart Bland invited me impromptu to "Five Flights", a well-received drama playing in Greenwich Village. Having a hard time finding theatre ideas, reviews, and synopses on-line? Here are three such sites:,, and My personal impressions to be posted here tomorrow!

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Monday, February 09, 2004

Takin' Care of Business

With employment looming just a week ahead, the to-do list is growing! Mortgage, healthy gums, work wardrobe, storage, taxes, breakfast soy sausages (yummy!), negotiations with the Makah Indian Nation (long story!)... It's going to be a busy week.

New Feature! Ex-Dictator Of The Week... Test your historical knowledge. If you recognize this ex-dictator, e-mail me his name and country by clicking here, and you may win a prize : - )

Photo Web Log (Fotoblog) Spotlight. These blogs post pictures rather than text daily, stimulating the soul and relieving the eye! The blogosphere is literally brimming over with photographic talent! Case in point is Chromogenic (http:\, who snapped these colorful fire holders:

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Sunday, February 08, 2004

Penelope Pitstop Rides Again

I was hoping to visit Chelsea galleries today and post exhibit pictures. Alas, I quickly ran home after 5 minutes of 22F (-5C) temperature at 17m/h (28km/h) wind! So much for that idea....

My friend Celia Elman from Argentina, like me, learned to drive later in life and, like me, considers it a somewhat special experience! Her friends now call her "Penelope Glamour", which is their translation of our "Perils of Penelope Pitstop" cartoon from the late 1960s. Surprisingly, there are several Penelope Pitstop web pages, of which the best are: this one, that one, and this one.

I love it when US movies are released overseas with odd or bizarre translations. Sometimes this is to simplify: In Argentina, "Lost in Translation" is called "Lost in Tokyo." The Brazilians, obviously wishing to make the subject of "The Godfather" crystal clear, called it "The Powerful Head Of The Mafia," : - ) Poetic licence is often taken - In Paraguay, "101 Dalmatians" became "The Night Of The Cold Noses" in its original release.

Later this week I'll survey the foreign press and post some humorous translations of current movies!

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