Saturday, September 04, 2004
It's Gonna Be A Lovely Day
And I feel fine... Not reading about politics sure frees up a lot of time. I started a movie. it's 10am, and off I go, out into the sun, feeling younger and more alive than in a long time. Nice to have my city back. and my shoulders... : - ) At left, an aerial view of Provincetown, which is the tippy tip of Cape Cod (its foreskin?), where I was lucky enough to spend last weekend. Below, a close up of Provincetown harbor and environs...
# posted by Aaron @ 10:23 AM
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Friday, September 03, 2004
Because I Can...
This poster ad, near 52nd and Park, tells passers-by that "if you think fun always requires money, think bubble wrap." It's part of Citigroup's "live richly" campaign, stressing that life means more than money, so let them take care of your money, or something like that...
The poster looked slightly worn... or was it.. could it be.. made of bubble wrap?
So I went to investigate, and lo and behold..
pop, pop, diddley-opp, it IS made of bubble wrap. hehe. ah, the things that amuse me...
toon of car...
# posted by Aaron @ 7:58 AM
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Thursday, September 02, 2004
My Vow
I swear, I do... ..that I am not going to spend the next 9 weeks reading every single election-related article, on-line and off... ... but that instead...
I hereby commit to watch, and share with you my impressions thereof, two films per week, every week, until November 2. I promise in these coming weeks to check in on my friends often, and to go to the park, museums, and several galleries regularly. I also take the vow of walking down by the river-side.., of feeding the pigeons, of smiling at, at least, one old person per day. My election reading will be strictly limited to Sunday am in between the hours of 10 and noon. In the meantime, hava nagila.. (that's Yiddish for 'the lizard's on the house')...
# posted by Aaron @ 6:38 AM
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Wednesday, September 01, 2004
I Miss Provincetown!
Hello friends. I'm oatmeal this morning - I worked 15 hours yesterday on the 34th floor of 399 Park, locked away again on that deal again (see my blog entries of July 20-21). Also, more bad news for my sister Deena (pictured left 1966), she's looking at several foot operations and probably some disability, and waiting to hear if she still has a job... To cheer us all up, Aaron's instant humor: from the annals of The Onion, my favorite feature, “What Do YOU Think?Question: “Last week, China threatened to execute individuals who knowingly spread the SARS virus. What do you think?”
Answer 1: "People with SARS should not be ostracized. Many people with SARS live happy, productive lives for three days before their lungs fall into their underpants."
Answer 2: "I've always said the Chinese don't know how to handle a crisis. Have you ever seen their fire drills?"
Answer 3: "SARS has a 90 percent survival rate. That's a higher survival rate than the one for just living in China."
Answer 4: "Finally, they've hit on a workable method of population control."
Answer 5: "We shouldn't be critical. It's an old Chinese custom to shoot people for no good reason."
Answer 6: "We should let the World Health Organization do the executing. They never get to do the fun stuff."
# posted by Aaron @ 7:15 AM
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Look Out Below!
Flocks of police converge nervously on our street corners. Helicopters hover menacingly in the air. Onlookers of every stripe gawk as a quarter million protesters welcome the RNC into deep deep blue country.. Early yesterday morning (left) police had already set up tight control my busy corner of 23rd and 8th. The graffiti below pretty much sums up New York's reaction to the invasion of our space - and threat to our security - posed by Bush & Co.
To my horror, as I lifted the screen to better photograph a sea of protesters coming up 23rd St last night, the screen fell out of my hands and wafted down ten stories, landing at the feet of several puzzled pedestrians. With visions of lawsuits snatching away my beleaguered nest egg (false alarm - whew), I scrambled, trying to gather my keys, my pants, and my composure, and flew into the elevator, out of the building, andaround the corner to retreive my grimy, disgusting screen window.
A lefty protester hugs his homemade picket sign...
I tried to photograph the march from my window, seconds before losing my screen. The results below show that I have a lot to learn, indeed, about night distance photography. Time to go manual and study the wonders of aperture and shutter speed...
# posted by Aaron @ 6:34 AM
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Monday, August 30, 2004
You're Sure To Fall In Love
With Old Cape Cod
"If you like the taste of a lobster stew,
Served by a window with an ocean view..." - Patti Page, 'Old Cape Cod', 1954
Some images from 4 days of R&R in lovely Provincetown:

# posted by Aaron @ 6:37 AM
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