Saturday, April 10, 2004
Today's The Day!
Off to the Bronx Zoo w Christi and Nicole. Full report later!
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Friday, April 09, 2004
His Galería Friday!
Aaron’s weekly love letter to weblog photography is back! I’ve finished work and am ready to kick up my heels! Can you dig it? This week’s focus is on just three photoblogers with three photos each. They are, in order of appearance: Myopic, TopLeftPixel, and Germany’s Copypaste. All of these are, like, totally where it’s at, dude...
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Mommy? Why does everybody have a bomb?
I’m happy to report that Prince (The Artist Once Again Known As Prince) is back, with a great CD, an exciting concert tour, and a new statue in the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame. “Cinnamon Girl,” the first single, manages to be a sweet, even ebullient anti-war take on life after 9/11. There’s a very cool Newsweek article entitled, yes, “Party Like It’s 2004.” If he’s Jehovah’s witness, at least he’s one with a wicked sense of humor, and frankly even on ‘Purple Rain’ and ‘1999,’ the Almighty has always been a favorite Prince theme and concern. Anyway, word is that most concert-goers are enjoying the party and letting any references to the Big Guy roll off their backs….
I need to work today, despite having Good Friday off... I must catch up! But, a small price to pay for a week in Brazil grilling local companies in Portuguese and eated grilled meat : - ) I have more personal news to tell you, which I'll post later today. Enjoy!
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Thursday, April 08, 2004
"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'." - Unknown
"When ideas fail, words come in very handy." - Goethe
"Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age." - William Feather
"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
""Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
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"When ideas fail, words come in very handy." - Goethe
"Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age." - William Feather
"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
""Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
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Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Mark My WordSpy...
I hate people who come to work sick....
mucus trooper - (MYOO.kus troo.pur) n. An employee with a cold or the flu who insists on showing up for work. see also—mucus troop v.
Mucus troopers and trooping are a sign of a national problem, presentee-ism:
presenteeism ( n. The feeling that one must show up for work even if one is too sick, stressed, or distracted to be productive; the feeling that one needs to work extra hours even if one has no extra work to do. see also —presentee n.
Presenteeism is the exact opposite of absenteeism but is just as bad for morale and productivity: being at work when you should be at home, either because you are ill or because you are working such long hours that you are no longer effective.
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Star Guitar
When Johnny Comes Skipping Home… Skip the $120 show and rent the movie for $3. I am refering to the subversive 1954 camp classic known as "Johnny Guitar," which has been somehow made into a 'family entertainment' musical for Broadway. The film’s fantastic - it’s a very stylized, Freudian Western with a gay sensibility, i.e. the women are gunslingers and the men are the sex objects!. Nicholas Ray directs and Joan Crawford and Mercedes McCambridge sling the guns….
"A word to the wise is infuriating..." - Hunter Thompson
Recommendations, Please? This is for everyone: Have you seen any films, plays, or TV that I should check out? Heard any interesting music? Books or articles I should read? Art I should see? Tell me about it, E-mail me by clicking here! Thanks!
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Tuesday, April 06, 2004
The Gods Must Be Crazy...
For the next few weeks, I have an office! Returning from Brazil, I noticed they'd 'rearranged the deck chairs,' surrounding me with a sea of non-public information. Now, I was already scheduled to move in May together with US research, but Compliance said I had to move to an interim place, and pronto!. Well, happy to report the interim place is a lovely, spacious, and quiet office, with wood and translucent panels reminiscent of a Japanese Garden! Its previous owner, who is on vacation, is going to return Monday and find all her belongings dumped into my pitiful old cubicle... Tsk Tsk... well, enjoy it while it lasts, baby... : - )
Random song lyrics:
"The two sides of my brain need to have a meeting" - White Stripes, 2001
"slow, slow, slow, slow, slow...." (the brilliant) My Bloody Valentine, 1990
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Monkey See…
Monkeys Use Insecticide! They really are almost as smart as us (maybe smarter, if you consider who’s running the country). Learned Sunday, while watching the “Life Of Mammals” series on DVD, that Capuchin monkeys in South America rub themselves with pipa leaves, which act as both insecticide and medicine for skin infections. It’s a big social occasion for them, too, as they gather for group ‘rub-downs.’ Monkeys are smart enough to ‘think out of the box’ and find food where other animals see either obstacles or nothing at all. Interestingly, just read in NYT that there’s a huge shortage of monkeys for scientific research.
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Monday, April 05, 2004
"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception. " - Groucho Marx
spinach cinema (SPIN.ich sin.uh.muh) n. Movies that are not very exciting or interesting, but that one feels one must see because they are educational or otherwise uplifting.
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spinach cinema (SPIN.ich sin.uh.muh) n. Movies that are not very exciting or interesting, but that one feels one must see because they are educational or otherwise uplifting.
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Just Kelly and 12 Million Viewers…
I forgot to say I’m two degrees of separation from the Sopranos and three degrees from this show’s 12 million loyal viewers! Featured on the Soprano’s second episode this season is none other than Kelly AuCoin (picture left), the brother-in-law of my ex, Brian (and hence, my ex-brother-in-law). Kelly has a small part as a federal investigator interviewing Chris’ informer girlfriend in a car on a rainy night. Kelly is frequently seen on stage here in New York, I’ll keep you all posted…
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Sunday, April 04, 2004
Celebrating Spring and Daylight Savings Time... And 7:24pm is just New York sunset, we also have civil twilight until 7:52pm, nautical twilight until 8:25pm, and astronomical twilight until 8:59pm! It's just going to get better and better until June 21st...
So I made a Spring Compilation CD for friends and family... Coming soon to a mailbox near you, baby...
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