Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Boston is glorious, soaked in immaculate June sunshine and kissed by 75F with a breeze. We spent the day on pavement, in planes and taxis, and in conference rooms rife with dark wood, modern art, and dizzying harbor views. My meetings went well, the company is good, the fish are jumping, and the cotton is high. But the research guy is pretty beat. Get thee to a bedroom, Aaron! more 2-morrow. peace & love - A

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Come On And Roll Out The Barrel
Changing brands. The website list singled out some recently improved, better mousetraps for news updates (, maps ( and reference material ( Pictured above: the world's oldest citizen, Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper of Holland, who turned 114 yesterday. I'm off to Boston at noon, more presentations through tomorrow and then two days of hanging out with my pal Erik Andersen. Happy half-year mark!
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
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No Place Like Home
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Monday, June 28, 2004
LA Confidential
Between us, baby, I am one tired dude. And the week's just begun. Dude, where's my stamina? : -) Yesterday's post was unusually meaningful. Read on. Best, Aaron
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
See You, Dad...
Hello from L.A. Just arrived after a circuitous ride from LAX with a clueless and ill-tempered driver who has yet to master rudimentary English. : - ) I am writing this on the TV in my room, the only internet access offered here. I enjoy the novelty though it is cumbersome. This is to interet access what an attic is to a penthouse. My analogy du jour.
See you, Dad, refers to the trendy Latin restaurant where I'm dining with Brian in three hours, Ciudad.
Happy Pride Day, my NY friends. Sorry I can't be there with you. Were it not for this business necessity, I would have actually marched, with either Sundance, my gay outdoors club, or with Vassar's gay/lesbian/etc alumni/ae.
Pride Day 1979 marked my gay coming of age. During the parade I had my first passionate kiss with another man, Michael from the gay youth group I'd just joined.
He sought me out, saying he didn't want to let someone that sweet and cute get away. ; - ) In his eyes I guess I was, and he made me feel a rush of giddy adrenaline-pumping joy and love. He came back to Long Island with me that night, my family was away, and that was my beautiful first true adult sexual experience. For that whole summer, Michael became my pal, only with sex. Though only 17 to my tender 19, Michael knew the ropes, and he taught them to me. We later lost touch. I've never been able to find him, despite a few tries. He was last seen in Florida. I wonder if he's alive... I wish I could thank him and hug him. These are my thoughts as I mark a quarter-century as a practicing homosexual : - ) Practice makes perfect. : - )
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Rushing to the airport! To LA, meetings tomorrow, dinner w Brian tonight, red-eye home tomorrow night. The texture of the next two weeks. I will, though, rise to challenge of regular posting! Happy Pride Day! Love, Aaron
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
My New Hero!
Don't miss Napoleon Dynamite! It'll make you laugh and squirm, and see a little piece of my teenage years (yes, i was that clueless)... : - )
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Friday, June 25, 2004
Canine Miranda… : - )
Quote of the Day:
“When it comes to film, I’d rather see a flawed masterpiece than a successful mediocrity” – Aaron, June 25, 2004
Two of my favorite flawed masterpieces of the past five years are “Magnolia” and “Donnie Darko,” in increasing order of risking confusion and discontinuity by aiming high…
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
Words For Our Times
hand salsa noun. The grimy substance that accumulates on a mouse or other input device after extended use.
jamais vu n. The illusion or impression of never having experienced something that has actually been experienced many times before (cf. déjà vu).
joy-to-stuff ratio n. (joy-too-STUF ray.shee.oh) n. The time a person has to enjoy life versus the time a person spends accumulating material goods.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Dinner with Jon at Japonica was a great two-hour conversation on a banquet of interesting topics. The sushi was exquisite and expensive. Actress Clare Danes was dining two tables away. Noticing the horrified look on poor Jon's face as I reached for my camera, I agreed it wouldn't be considerate to take her picture...
from Wordspy:
meatloaf (MEET.lohf) n. "Homemade Spam" - Forwarded messages, jokes, lists, and other unsolicited noncommercial email messages sent by an individual to a large number of people.
door dwell noun. The amount of time it takes for the door to close after having boarded an elevator.
learning a living present participle. Working in a job that requires the constant learning of new knowledge and skills. (From Marshall McLuhan: "In the age of electricity and automation, the globe becomes a community of continuous learning, a single campus in which everybody irrespective of age, is involved in learning a living.")
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Days Of Wine And Diapers
AOS abbreviation. All options stink; a situation in which there is no optimum or ideal course of action.
cutensil (kyoo.TEN.sul) n. A kitchen implement or other utensil with a cute design
diaper change noun. A visit by a computer technical support employee to a troublesome user. "[A] diaper change [is one] of several daily visits by a tech-support person to the desk of a particularly cranky, lazy, or technically incompetent user."
—"Jargon Watch," Wired
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Monday, June 21, 2004
anacronym noun. An acronym where few people remember what each letter stands for (anachronistic + acronym).
dining al desko (al.DES.koh) adv. having lunch or dinner at one's desk. Al desko is a clever play on the adverb alfresco, which means "outdoors" or "in the open air."
butt call n. An unintended phone call placed by sitting on one's cell phone.
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dining al desko (al.DES.koh) adv. having lunch or dinner at one's desk. Al desko is a clever play on the adverb alfresco, which means "outdoors" or "in the open air."
butt call n. An unintended phone call placed by sitting on one's cell phone.
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Eve Of Summer, Slope of Park
Honey duck at Lemon Grass Grill was succulent, a sensory cyclone of sweet crunchy duck breast, ginger, baked apple, and vegetables. It was lovely to see Bart, who will be moving to Park Slope, together with his boyfriend Ashley, with whom he just celebrated one year together! Happy anniversary, you two..
After dinner, we strolled in the twilight past Grand Army Plaza to the Brooklyn Museum, now ravishing and cutting-edge with its newly enhanced façade.
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
The Longest Day
Finally, more art from yesterday's gallery hop...
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
Art Gallery Loop, Acronym Soup
Other Acronyms in this grouping are:
NIMBY - Not In My Backyard
NOTE - Not Over There, Either
NOPE - Not On Planet Earth
CAVE - Citizens Against Virtually Everything
LULU - Locally Unwanted Land Use
NUMBY — Not Under My Back Yard
GOOMBY - Get Out Of My Back Yard
NIMEY - Not in My Election Year
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"It's easier to get forgiveness than permission" - Anonymous : - )
!!! was incredible - a juggernaut of danceable energy - smart, angry, and fun. More details and cool stuff later. Stay tuned!!!
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!!! was incredible - a juggernaut of danceable energy - smart, angry, and fun. More details and cool stuff later. Stay tuned!!!
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Friday, June 18, 2004
You Have The Right To Wear
Fruit In Your Hat
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
"A politician thinks of the next race; a statesman, of the next generation" - James Freeman Clark
pound-of-cure mode, noun
Troubleshooting a problem that would have been less severe if you had taken steps to prevent it (i.e., if you'd been in ounce-of-prevention mode).
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pound-of-cure mode, noun
Troubleshooting a problem that would have been less severe if you had taken steps to prevent it (i.e., if you'd been in ounce-of-prevention mode).
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I'm seeing !!! tomorrow night with Thomas! To clarify, !!! are a cutting-edge punk-dance group with political overtones, evidenced by two of its signature song titles, "Pardon My Freedom" and "Me and Giuliani Down By The Schoolyard (A True Story)."
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"No man goes before his time – unless, of course, his boss leaves first… " – Groucho Marx
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
"Perfect vision is for fighter pilots, not rock critics." - Twentyfortyzine, 6/16/2004.
Aaron - off-center in the universe! Remember yesterday's post about Helen Fielding and Franz Ferdinand at Union Square tonight, which I was looking forward to? That actually happened yesterday! Oops...
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Aaron - off-center in the universe! Remember yesterday's post about Helen Fielding and Franz Ferdinand at Union Square tonight, which I was looking forward to? That actually happened yesterday! Oops...
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Intimate And Intense
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
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The Sun Always Shines On TV...
Tonight, I'm seeing the much-praised off-Broadway play "Boy," starring our very own Kelly AuCoin, with Thomas.. Meaning Thomas is coming to see it, not actually performing in it. : - ) Happy Anniversary, Brian and Joe!
Quote Of The Day, from Brent DiCrescenzo, turning the page on his rock critic career: "Explaining why I love a record in the confines of its production, lyrics and instrumental "tightness" without detailing the first time I heard the band's song drifting from bowling alley in Poland or whatever confounds me. "
Wordspy Word of the Day:
mobile speed bump n. A car that travels at the speed limit to force the cars behind to do the same.
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Czech Out This Joke From Christi
A Czech goes to the ophtalmologist who shows him a sign with the following
and asks...
"Can you read it?"
"Read it???!!!" answers the Czech, "I even know the guy!"
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We're An American Band...
"Look around, around, the second drummer drowned, his telephone was found..." - Pavement, 1994
"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." - Woody Allen
"We knew all the answers, and we shouted them like anthems" - Scissor Sisters, 2004
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
Isn't it great to have Six Feet Under back? : - ) Single-handedly justifying the invention of television for yet another season...
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Sand Dunes, Sunlight and Shady Trees...
For your viewing pleasure below, the beautiful deck facing the bay and a late-stage sunset. Above right we gather around Chris' delicious london broil and corncob feast on Saturday...
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Friday, June 11, 2004
Don't Go In The Bushes
This is the place where you'll find me
The summer sea, the place where love is free, yeah" - The Village People, 1977
So I'm off for a weekend at the beach. Forecast is 70F, Sunny. Forecast in my head is cloudier but hoping for scattered sunshine and light breeze. Probably will have internet access to post tomorrow, if I know my hosts... Happy Friday, everyone...
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Not Just A Pack Of Trojans... : - )
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Breathing Air
"England and America are two countries divided by a common language." - George Bernard Shaw
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw
Here's some unauthorized humor : - )
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Wednesday, June 09, 2004
"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh." -George Bernard Shaw
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Through Sangria-Colored Glasses..
I have Friday off in honor of Reagan! This means I can go to Fire Island early, where I've been invited by my ex-competitor and 2002 beach house host Chris Taylor. I'm sure Reagan will be happy somewhere up there to know that I'm enjoying an extra sunny day at Fire Island Pines because of him. : - )
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