Art Gallery Loop, Acronym Soup
Saturday afternoon was as lazy as Friday night was rowdy (we saw !!! at Bowery Ballroom, dancing our butts off until 1:30am!). I did a gallery crawl on 24th and 25th streets, digitally snapping my way through splashes of color while bopping to crescendos of musical bliss courtesy of my mp3 player... Here are some of the results... More goodies coming up for my weekend public... I'm off to the gym before it closes, then dinner and we'll see...
BANANA is my Bizness... : - ) With apologies to Carmen Miranda and Mae West, this BANANA is definitely not glad to see me, because it stands for shortsightedness and zoning nazis rather than lust. : - ) This BANANA stands for "Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything".... : - )
Other Acronyms in this grouping are:
NIMBY - Not In My Backyard
NOTE - Not Over There, Either
NOPE - Not On Planet Earth
CAVE - Citizens Against Virtually Everything
LULU - Locally Unwanted Land Use
NUMBY — Not Under My Back Yard
GOOMBY - Get Out Of My Back Yard
NIMEY - Not in My Election Year
# posted by Aaron @ 7:28 PM
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