
Monday, May 02, 2011

What She Is

Today's Song of the Week, 'Give It Another Day,' could have been a huge pop hit in the late 60s or early 70s, bridging the gap between melodic/sunny and hippie cool with some down-to-earth optimism.

One listen, and it will stay with you like a good cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter morning. Not that you'd need such a thing with the week's glorious late spring weather.

The artist is pop-folk singer/songwriter Edie Brickell, who is.. smart, subtle, spunky, sincere.. ...all the good 'S' adjectives... She's also Mrs S, the better half of Paul Simon, see below for how they met, but they're still together, 20 years and three children later.

With her former group, The New Bohemians, she had a huge left-field hit in spring 1989 with 'What I Am' from 'Shooting Rubber Bands At The Stars..' What lyrics: "Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks /Religion is a light in the fog" I thought she was singing 'is the hair on a dog...' More recently, she's sung with her stepson Harper Simon, and this year she's back with some terrific new tunes...

Here's Edie live performing 'Give It Another Day' live on WFUV..

And of course, her 1989 classic 'What I Am' as performed on Saturday Night Live in 1990.
That's where she met her future husband, Paul Simon, standing in front of the cameraman. "He made me mess the song up when I looked at him," she explains with a smile. "We can show the kids the tape and say, that's when we first laid eyes on each other.'"

Another great live performance: 'What Would You Do?'

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