
Saturday, March 26, 2011

It May Be Winter Outside...

...but in my heart it's springtime, thanks to my sweet baby.

I stepped out last night with JP and Fernando and Sunil, after a long, intense week of work ahead of a long, intense week-long trip to Mexico starting tomorrow.

We saw the delightfully campy, preposterous, joyous 'Divine Sister' by Charles Busch, after which Sunil treated us all to gelato at 'L'Arte di Gelato,' after walking what seemed like 100 blocks in the freezing cold...

Campmeister Charles Busch wrote the similarly smart-rageous play 'Psycho Beach Party,' which he adapted into a great movie, and the smart-rageous movie 'Die Mommie Die', which he adapted into a great play...

Two great excerpts from 'Divine Sister'...

Finally, the Barry White classic alluded to in the post title...

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