
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Kilometers To Go Before I Sleep

This is Portman Square decades ago.. Right now, in late 2010, I am at the Hyatt Churchill on Portman Square, in my room, hunched over my Macbook and working on a presentation... I've had 9 meetings in the past 30 hours and I'm not over my jet lag. Welcome to my 125th foreign trip! That's 80 business trips, and I cherish each of those 45 vacations. This is my 33rd Europe trip, and 33 is said to be the age of Jesus at death. Final fun facts: my 13th time in the UK and I haven't set foot outside of London area, and, if I survive my presentation tomorrow, I'm headed for 12 hours in Germany (trip 6), 12 hours in France (trip 15), 18 hours in Spain (trip 3), and back to the UK and then back home sweet home to my sweet honey in the rock...

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