
Sunday, July 18, 2010

In Maya Time

IMG_0963Yesterday afternoon we caught up with 7-month old Maya and her parents, Jon & Oriyan, and their playground of choice up in Riverside Park, around 96th...

They grow so fast.. We'd last seen Maya in mid-May, and she sure seemed older and wiser to us this time... Plus, she has the beginnings of teeth..

It's a real treat to have infant company, such a different perspective, you wonder what they're thinking, images and feelings without words... It's so strange that it's a time in life none of us can remember, partly for lack of a context to hang memories on to. The only time is now. Everything felt is communicated. A perspective, a way of being adults can only fleetingly attain...

Maya's favorite park has sprinklers, a treat on a hot day, but adults must be accompanied by a little one...


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