Monday, April 20, 2009
Peace South of The Border
Mexico may be having a rough year (and what country isn't?) but hasn't lost its postmodern funk rhythm, as today's sprightly midtempo Song/Video of the Week from that country's five-man funk combo Kinky demonstrates. It's been a while since I've spotlighted anything not in English... this song's title, 'Hasta Quemarnos,' roughly translates as 'until we burn ourselves out'... as in 'let's dance until...'

Let's start by watching the 'Hasta Quemarnos' clip! Kinky are from Monterrey, the richest, most industrial city in Mexico, just 90 minutes south of the tip of Texas.... They formed in 1998 and weave their rock-dance-ranchero-techno-funk melange mostly in Spanish, sometimes in English,
Here's the more Mexican-flavored 'Adonde Van Los Muertos' - 'where the dead go'... Kinky broke through in 2002 throughout Latin America, and toured in the US backing up all sorts of bands - rock (Cake), indie (Flaming Lips), and ethereal hip-hop jazz (De La Soul)...
Here's neon electric bilingual rock-funk of 'Presidente,' almost like the Madchester-shoegazing era of early 90s UK - whose title needs no translation... it asks the prescient question 'What color is our President? Green, white, black, red is the present..'
Here's the more Mexican-flavored 'Adonde Van Los Muertos' - 'where the dead go'... Kinky broke through in 2002 throughout Latin America, and toured in the US backing up all sorts of bands - rock (Cake), indie (Flaming Lips), and ethereal hip-hop jazz (De La Soul)...
Here's neon electric bilingual rock-funk of 'Presidente,' almost like the Madchester-shoegazing era of early 90s UK - whose title needs no translation... it asks the prescient question 'What color is our President? Green, white, black, red is the present..'
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