
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bruno and the Purple Balloon

One of the many things I love about JP is his way with kids; his godson, Bruno, is just 18 months old particularly charming...

Here I am with JP and Bruno at Raymond's Diner (see Tuesday)

After a lengthy 'set' of dancing with my iPhone, Bruno's attentions turned to a big, bright, purple balloon... Bruno clearly has the skills and strength to loudly pop one of these (but didn't)... 

Bruno and JP! That's Bruno's parents in the background, Michelle & Andrew. Andrew and JP met at college two decades ago...

More godfather/godson togetherness.   By the time you read this I'll be with my own nephew, Dan, who's only 210 months older than Bruno.  : - )  Btw, I can do portrait as well as landscape, though I find landscape easier to work with...


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