
Monday, March 23, 2009

At A Loss For Words?

That sure doesn't happen to me often... : - ) But today's maddeningly catchy slice of retro-pop, 'Never Never Love' by Liverpool's Jonathan 'Pop' Levi, reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on. 

I've appealed, via email, to my musical inner circle, and await their verdict as I pre-type these lines on Saturday morning...  only Brian volunteered, with appreciation for the very 80s synth squiggles and handclaps.

I actually struggled a bit with which side of Pop Levi's double-header single to spotlight this week, and I've included as well the video for the runner up, the devilishly sly 'Dita DimonĂ©,' imagine a 1986 Michael Jackson with more testosterone.. 'Never Never Love' is snappier and lighter. 

The winner:  'Never Never Love'

The (very close) runner-up:  'Dita DimonĂ©'

Both of the above songs are a huge leap in quality from his previous album, remembered for one good song, the near-parody, also included below, called 'Sugar Assault Me Now.'

When Levi is singing and playing multiple instruments, he's busy producing records and now directing films for his new indie compnay 'World Empire Inc.' Here's the trailer for this 27 minute surreal featurette..

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