Wednesday, January 28, 2009
One Day The Only Blood
..spilling in the Middle East will come from Blood OrangesĀ®. One day they'll barely remember why they were fighting... one day FAR into the future. I'm not sure, though, that eating these Blood OrangesĀ® would do much for their temperament today...
It's not intuitive, you know... Orange slices the color of raw meat....They're very sweet and somehow tart... You can tell that lemons and limes are their cousins... Blood oranges are hence a good cocktail ingredient and work well in marmelade, baking, and gelato.
Seedless, no. Colorful, yes. The flesh color is due to anthocyanin, a pigment common to fruits and flowers, but rare in the citrus family. This pigment is very good for you - it can diminish the risk for heart disease, some type s of cancer, and cataracts.
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