Friday, December 05, 2008
The Joy of Unsubscribe
I realized, to my delight, that most 'advertising' email can be eliminated by looking at the bottom of the email for an 'unsubscribe' link.. I just removed myself from over 20 mailing lists! These included Target, Champion Athletic, Circuit City... when I want to buy something, I'll look for it myself... I also removed myself from the lists of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - I really don't need to hear from them daily, I read the news myself... What did I keep? A few good causes such as ACLU, Sierra Club, and HRC, concert notifications for groups I like, Transparent Language new products, professional associations to keep my foot in..
It's been a long week. Trying to write complicated research articles in an environment where everyone is feeling down. This week a lot of people were fired across Wall Street, including 1,500 people yesterday at my company, of which 130 in the US, of which 2 were people I know. Last night I attended EMTA's annual Emerging Markets Charity Benefit, a loud, boisterous dinner and auction where the public is a 'who's who' of my field. The money goes to help good causes in the developing countries that are our livelihood, which is a very good thing. The mood was more subdued, but the alcohol was flowing.
Two nights ago was the Christmas party for Sundance, the LGBT outdoors club I belong to. A happier affair than the EMTA dinner, nice to see my friends, though the food is a threat to my diet, and didn't have much energy on a work night... After these two events, a weekend at home resting and relaxing sounds positively divine....
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