
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Food Journey: Friendship Day At Escondida

Día Del Amigo, or Friends Day, is a mostly Argentine tradition inspired by an All-American achievement, man's first step onto the lunar surface back on July 20, 1969. Some 39 years later, about two weeks back, I celebrated the occasion in Buenos Aires in the company of close friends, including my first boyfriend, Andres, our friend Sergio, my photographic and blog inspiration, Thomas, and his Brazilian boyfriend Vagner. Here we are at Escondida, finishing coffee after a hearty 'parrilla' or Argentine barbecue...

And here's the beef...

..I think this is 'matambrito,' and is pork-based...

Many other groups of friends were out celebrating that Sunday afternoon.. I had a rather bad sore throat/virus, but my spirits were high...

Another choice cut...

Chimichurri sauce, the closest Argentine cuisine ever comes to spicy, and a stack of cheeses..

It wasn't officially friendship day one week earlier when I dined with Milton in São Paulo, but I'll count it as a Friendship Day event! Hi, Milton!

Cartoon du Jour:

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