Friday, July 18, 2008
Happy Birthday, Rich!
a big Happy Birthday to my Cousin Rich, who's off vacationing in Slovenia. Rich is a photographer, photography teacher, rock climber, and all-around great guy!Around Rio
Just one night and one day in Rio, my umpteenth visit to 'The Marvelous City.' Here's a look at Rio's less-appreciated peripheral wonders... The Charitas Water Station in Niteroi, the adjacent city which plays Oakland to Rio's San Francisco (or Lido to Rio's Venice?)...

I've never been to Petropolis, about 40 miles inland from Rio, up in the cool hills... This was the royal residence when Brazil was an empire, from 1808-1889.. Here's the Imperial Palace..

The Rio-Niteroi bridge is an imposing 8 1/4 miles in length, of which 5 1/2 miles over water. Niteroi was the capital of Rio de Janeiro state, back when Rio de Janeiro was Brazil's capital, which was of course moved to Brasilia the year I was born...

Niteroi's most famous landmark is its futuristic, flying-saucer-like contemporary art museum, built in 1996 by Oscar Niemeyer, the man who designed Brasilia

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