
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Goodbye, Clutter!

I've resolved to clear my life of clutter... Clutter is a vexation and pox on the soul... So I'm in the midst of a massive, multi-weekend spring cleaning in which I've poured several times my weight in junk into the recycle bin and down the 20-story garbage chute... This here book, purchased a decade ago, was actually most helpful...

Here's my work in progress - books to be donated, hundreds of CDs shorn of their plastic cases and stuck in CD 'wallets' pending digitalization,
that 'lazy Susan' thingy now houses foreign audiobooks on cassette, which are fast approaching the status of a butter churner...

The 'Clutter' book has a great suggestion concerning items that serve no purpose but which you are tempted to save for the memory or nostalgic value. The author smartly suggests that you take a picture of the item you want to remember, and throw the actual item away! That is why I will likely abandon my 'friend,' pictured below, the long walking stick that helped me hike the Inca Trail way back in 2002. Erik and I actually brought our 'friends' home from Peru, checking them as odd-shaped baggage...
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Some such decisions are tough. This jester's hat as cheered up two successive Halloween parties, has figured in iconic photos of close friends, is velvety to the touch, and stores easily. Do I save the jester's hat?

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