
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sun On The Rocks

DSC03953On Saturday, I co-led a 7-mile hike up the Hudson's right bank with Sundance, the LGBT outdoors club I frequent.

Drenched in sunshine, I got many great pictures - I'll have more for you, plus a video clip, later in the week.....

We journeyed northwards, along the Palisades cliffs, first on a flat path and then over the formidable Giant Stairs..

Here I am with my friend Steve. By 1pm, I'd slipped and fallen several times, but wore a smile in the abundant sun notwithstanding my scrapes, scratches, and bruises...


The Palisades Cliffs run for several miles just south of the NJ-NY border along the river....

Here we begin our ascent up the tricky, jagged, sometimes slippery Giant Stairs. This is one hike that gets canceled by even a hint of rain. (Or called off in mid-hike, as happened to me there last year) Happily, the weather was pitch-perfect....

Those lovely purple flowers on the branch are Columbine, I believe.


The lovely green path, fresh air... very restorative after a few nights of not enough sleep.. You could hear the Hudson lapping against the shore....

Glimpses of the mighty river through the trees....

Cartoon du Jour:

Engrish du Jour: Really, I Can Handle This Myself....

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