
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

SOTW: Estelle Rocks! Thank You, Kanye...

Leave it to Kanye West to launch the awesome Estelle in the US with this weeks Song/Video of the Week, 'American Boy,' essentially a duet. Estelle spins her smooth, boppy, early 80s disco-soul with faux-naif lyrics while Kanye raps love rings around the project. Enjoy their video below.

Estelle Swaray, perhaps the UK's most respected hip-hop singer/songwriter/producer, was born to Senegalese-Grenadian parents. Read more about Estelle here.

Kanye West is, of course, the hip-hop artist so musical and so smart that he's won millions of listeners that don't often like hip-hop. He'd be considered an alternative artist if he wasn't a steadily chart-topping, Grammy-winning phenomenon.

But the lady has ample talent of her own to burn. Watch:

I love the retro, black & white feel of 'American Boy,' - this could 've been recorded in the beat-crazy underground disco summer of 1981...

Speaking of the 80s, here's '1980,' Estelle's childhood remembrance..

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