
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Jesse On The Silver Screen

DSC03005'The friend of my friend is my blog post, to mangle an old Arab proverb. Jesse Archer (pictured elft), the writer/actor who blogs 'Jesse on the Brink', is quite a character, and this bolsters (rescues?) his new film, 'Four Letter Word.'

This movie, Jesse's second, is a high-camp, high-libido gay comedy. It's slightly burdened with uneven writing and acting but then saved by a few engaging characters and Jesse's own panache.

When I last checked, 'Word' had grossed $12,000 in 3 days, which means 1,000 people saw it, or 333 a day, or 66 per showing. I'm such a geek...

No 5 parameters, but Jesse deserves at the very least a haiku or two...

'In whatever ink
you dip your oversexed pen
new text may emerge...'

'If you must cliché
like Jesse have style, and stay
more hip than passé'

Jesse's previous movie, 2004's 'Slutty Summer', another gay sex comedy romp, is available on Netflix...

Here's the trailer for 'Four Letter Word...'

And the trailer for 'Slutty Summer'... the blond guy is Caspar Andreas, the director of both movies...

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