Monday, February 18, 2008
Haiku Elegies to '08 Presidential Hopefuls
Since we may seal the deal either tomorrow or March 4, I offer a haiku salute to the once-crowded field, red and blue, that gave us months of suspense and entertainment.. For your enjoyment, each is accompanied by a much younger photo of the candidate.

"Rohrshack Test or dream?
Bright light, the road not taken?
Time to take it now?"

"Brave and battle-scarred;
Merit's often not enough,
Tireless lady may learn"

"Shiny hair, sharp wife;
populist one-note banter;
leave stage? I think not..."
"His endearing trait:
likes to piss his allies off...;
still, sits on right wing"Huckabee:
"Folksy like a fox;
will God's righteous servant chase
votes? or VP slot?"
"Money can't buy love,
votes, delegates, or respect;
lesson: be yourself" Giuliani:
"Two years buzz for naught;
Bad match? Plain as nose on face!
Large, unnoticed nose..."
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