Thursday, January 31, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sunil!
A big birthday hug to my friend Sunil ! We are almost birthday twins, as he was born one day later (OK, one day and 16 years later). Sunil is unusually nice, a welcome dose of sunshine in an icy winter.
Below is my photo birthday salute to Sunil, but first we'll celebrate Sunil's Hindu roots with some classic 1960s Bollywood surf music (courtesy of the 2001 indie film 'Ghost World')
Here's Sunil....

Here's Sunil in 2006 at my Halloween Party, dressed as 1/6 of the Village People. : - ) In the northwest corner that's the mouth and nose tip of Sunil's boyfriend Fernando...

And here are Sunil and Fernando later that year, spending a winter holiday night in warm, sunny Buenos Aires...

Here's Sunil in December 2006 at Ed's Xmas Party uptown....

Paul Lynde Snappy Answer of the Day:
Q: Who are more likely to be romantically responsive. Women under thirty or women over thirty?
Lynde: I don't have a third choice?
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