
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dan!

Today is all about my nephew's birthday. (tomorrow look for my review of 'Zodiac').
Dan turns 14 today!!! Woo hoo! Here's to you, Dan! This birthday photo-salute begins with a Dan classic shot in front of some seafood restaurant franchise...

Able at the table. Dan adds spice and verve to any family outing. He's the life of the party!

Dan busts a move!

Just the two of us... Each year when I'm home for the holidays, Dan & I take an uncle-nephew field trip. In past years, we've been to the Grand Canyon, LA, and San Francisco. This year we're headed to Las Vegas...

We are family! From right to left, my Mom, my sister Deena, my brother-in-law Dave, and the birthday boy himself, Dan the Man...

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