Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Extra Mile

Below, I'll muse on just why it's so terrific...
For now, just enjoy....
...the song and the video....
.... Emma Pollock - 'Adrenaline'
Just listen...
Emma was the lead singer of the late, great Delgados, many of whom work on her flawless debut album, 'Watch The Fireworks.' Enjoy, too, Emma's other fine single, 'Acid Test, ' as replete with unexpected joys as 'Adrenaline'...

Here, not only is each piece lovely - intro, verse, bridge, but the chorus takes off in an unpredictable direction of great beauty.
And then, the kicker, she revisits the chrous twice, but each time slightly different, conserving the wonderfulness but exploring its permutations. Just awesome.
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