Monday, August 20, 2007
Signs of Mexico
Ghostly shot of the Amberes/Reforma corner, gateway to Mexico's rollicking Zona Rosa, home to gay establishments of all stripes, rock clubs, chain restaurants, and post-club hot dogs served by street vendors...
I am Telcel, hear me roar! Carlos Slim isn't taking his 75% share of Mexico's cel phone market for granted...
In sun-baked Taxco, on a mountain slope southwest of Mexico, public works on the thin streets. Your Taxco dollars at work... It says 'together we'll get results - pardon the inconvenience.'
No throwing garbage in the street! At the risk of a P$374 fine (about $32) or 12 hours in jail. Doesn't seem to be working as a deterrent, as far as I can see....
Flofi come home! P$100,000 reward (about US$9,000)
Alto! means Stop! Blue is the new Red?
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