Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Travels With Emerson - Bolivia
My friend Emerson travels just about everywhere and takes magnificent pictures. Let's play armchair traveler and go to Bolivia, with Emerson as our guide!
"The view from the top of Isla del Sol in the middle of Lake Titicaca, on the border of Bolivia with Peru."
"The Bolivian women sell everything in street markets, from dead llamas to magical candles for all kinds of good and bad spirits."
"Isla del Sol again - I took a walk by myself for a moment and all of a sudden these sheep all came running (and almost ran over me!)"
"I was glad that even though I started the trip alone, I did not finish it by myself, as I made these Brazilian friends who were cute and, even better, were gay! It was a lot of fun at Lake Titicaca with them. I guess the innocent native children did not have a clue."
"Here I am on the boat on the way back to Copacabana - that's the town in Bolivia after which our famous Rio beach was named. It is a religious town in Bolivia because their national patron saint is Nuestra SeƱora de Copacabana."
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