Foreign Trip #100
If I make the 2:30pm plane, that is. I'm travelling to Mexico for a four-day credit conference that I've planned and am hosting. As always, the statistics... This will be my 23rd trip to Mexico, my most visited country, all of these trips in the last 11 years. It will be my 55th trip to Latin America, my 68th foreign business trip, and my 100th foreign trip overall. I'll be back Thrusday night, here for Columbus Day Weekend, and then I have another two day trip to Mexico from October 11-13 on a different project. But let's not count our statistics until we're packed...
Arrested Development is the most hilarious TV show in years, maybe ever. Check it out if you haven't.
I've now seen 305 movies this year, of which 282 at home. I'll well on track to reach my goal of seeing 365 movies in one year, and my more important goal of seeing most of the great classics, because you never know how much time on this earth you've got....
# posted by Aaron @ 11:00 AM
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