
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lisbon At Dusk

From The Onion, my favorite feature, “What Do YOU Think?

Question: “A new technique of harvesting stem cells without destroying the embryos is coming under fire from the Vatican as unethical. What do you think?”

Answer 1: " I expect this kind of knee-jerk moral grandstanding from Bush, but the Vatican? "
Answer 2: " I wish, time and time again, that the Vatican were not composed of the foremost scientists on embryonic research in the world. This makes it very difficult for anyone to argue a case against them, and we are repeatedly left at an impasse. "
Answer 3: " It serves those scientists right for trying to slip under the Vatican's ethical radar with these disease-eradicating, life-saving experiments. "

Question: An arbitrator for the state of Nebraska ruled that a state trooper could not be fired for belonging to the Ku Klux Klan. What do you think?”

Answer 1: I'm actually fairly impressed with this man. It has to be hard, time-consuming work to be part of two bigoted, fear-mongering groups simultaneously "
Answer 2: Would you rather he vented his racism at unsuspecting motorists on the highway, or in the safe confines of a KKK meeting?"

Answer 3: " The last time I checked, no one was forcing blacks or Jews to drive through Nebraska. So what exactly is the issue? "

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