
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Inherit the Window...

Today we saw the Darwin Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History, which included live animals in those taxidermic halls, a rarity indeed. Surprisingly bereft of corporate sponsorship due to red-state sensitivity on bible-unfriendly science, private money came to the rescue to bring this excellent exhibit to New York, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco, among other places. The visit was a delight, challenging to the brain, stimulating to the eyes, and walks you through the mindset and thought processes of Darwin over his life while providing historical context in a suitably multi-media format. One excellent video clip showed several scientist explaining what a theory really is - the basis of science - what scientists do - a rational framework for facts - and that evoluation is the only theory that begins to explain diversity. This clip should be run on all media several times a day as a public service announcement. In the gift shop: snack packets of flash-fried worms (with Mexican spices) and crickets (salt and vinegar flavored, a tad salty for my pallette. Also: refrigerator magnets galore, and postcards. Highly worthwhile visit, which I recommend to those of you fortunate enough to be here anytime from now until mid-May.

Afterwards: a long amble through the park with friends on a sunshine-drenched day...

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