Thursday, February 09, 2006
Moving Mountains
Meet a beautiful woman: Annie Proulx (on the left, pronounced Proo), author of "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Shipping News." I just read her wonderful essay "Getting Movied" from a terrific book my sister gave me: "Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay." Reading a screenplay is interesting. You learn details about how a the screenwriter believes that a character is supposed to look or feel inside that can be altered or interpreted differently by the director, the actor, and/or the viewer. I'm also reminded of a story about the lefty consumer-advocate magazine Mother Jones - magazine dealers kept asking them to put a beautiful woman on the cover so it would sell more, so, one day, they adorned page 1 with a picture of their inspiration, mining union leader/patron saint Mary Harris Jones (above right). Here's to women moving mountains....
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