From Sao Paulo With Love (But No Suitcase)
Oh well, maybe it went to Rio! Something not in my itinerary this time out... If it went on to Rio, I may have my clothes tonight. If they left it in New York, I'll get my bag tomorrow. If they lost it altogether, ABN may have to buy me a fashionable Brazilian wardrobe! Happily, all my electronics, entertainment, and emergency articles go in my carry-on or my pocket. I listened to 2 hours of Annie Proulx's 'The Shipping News' on the plane - promissing set-up, but now we're in Newfoundland trying to repair an abandoned house. Her writing style is compact and has a disjointed beauty. Proulx, of course, wrote the novella 'Brokeback Mountain,' which I hope to read - not just listen to - after I see the movie. If you're in a major American city, you can see 'Brokeback' Friday when it opens. I think I'm going to see it with a friend on Tuesday Dec 13, and probably drive off into the sunset the following day. My hotel suite here is beautiful, cheerful, spacious, and has 21st century technology - flat screen, direct internet connection. Woo hoo! With all this, who needs underwear?
# posted by Aaron @ 11:28 AM
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