
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Twenty Club

In mid-deal and fighting the flu, I'm also two days away from a major investor trip to Brazil, which is the country of the future (and always will be). This means that Saturday morning when I arrive Brazil will become the member of a very exclusive club - countries that I have visited 20 times. There's only one other such country, Mexico, which I visited for the 21st time in October. After seven days in Brazil, I'm taking two days of downtime in Argentina for the weekend to visit Andres, my first boyfriend, with whom I'm still very close. Argentina is my third-most-visited country - if I make it there in one piece, it'll be my 15th trip. Finally, this will be my 31st trip to South America, my 52nd trip to Latin America (54th if you count my two Dominican Republic visits), and my 95th foreign trip overall.

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