
Friday, October 21, 2005

De-Back-cle To The Future

Or, How Aaron Walked To Work. Seven subway lines were shut down by a fire/smoke condition at West 4th St, a major sub hub. It threatened to rain, or at least drizzle, but the drizzle fizzled. Just as well, considering the condition of my umbrella. Better safe than sorry in these times. At least this does not threaten to disrupt service for five years, unlike the infamous switch room fire earlier this year.

As you can see, I did not go to an undisclosed Central American location this week. I can't rule that out, but timing is uncertain. There's also talk of a visit to Monterrey, Mexico, also for only a day or two.

Last night, I saw 30 of the first movies ever filmed. I kid you not. More on that later.

I'm not quite recovered, but OK enough. This is fortunate, as my friends Emerson and Thomas are visiting this weekend, and I also have a birthday dinner to go to.

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