Happy Birthday, Brian!!!!
Get out your Hall Hat! On this day, way back in 1967, my dear friend and former partner Brian was born, somewhere in California, which was less crowded back then. Brian has had an eventful four years since we parted, studying three different careers, living in three different Cali-places, and acquiring an adorable terrier-chihuahua named Fiedel, with the accent on the first syllable. Always open-minded and interested in spirituality, Brian plans to go to India in January for a 21-day special training program. Dot India. Near Chennai. Which used to be Madras. Like the spread. This will be Brian's 13th country and 4th continent. It won't be his first visit to the third world, having honeymooned with me in (relatively richer) Brazil and taken a 'favela tour' of the mountainous slums of Rio de Janeiro.
# posted by Aaron @ 7:20 AM
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