Quarter To Three

Good morning from London, whose Tower is pictured left. What a great first day of our vacation. I arrived from Chile, without major jet lag, yesterday at 2pm, and by 5pm I was drinking wine at a Hawaaian Luau in Islington. Later, in Soho, we dined with Doug and his boyfriend Jason at this funky venue that served French food and dance music in a homey, tiled atmosphere. Soon it was midnight, and, on a lark, we went clubbing south of the river. The club, Crash, can best be described as two rooms of pumping disco, laser beams, and an ocean of shirtless but diverse men in what was probably once a warehouse with black walls. That's the first time I've gone clubbing in many years. I stopped doing that regularly when I was 24, and back then, NY clubs were full at 11pm, whereas now people 'trickle in' between midnight and 1am and stay till the wee hours of the next day, usually assisted by chemicals. (Not in Boston, though, where clubs must close at 2am and are packed by 10pm...) Anyway, at about 2am my third wind evaporated and I could barely stand up! We grabbed a cab home to Islington. When Erik wakes up, we'll figure out how to get to Paris, by train, in time to have dinner with Denis & Christian. More later....
# posted by Aaron @ 7:20 AM
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