
Thursday, April 07, 2005

From this week’s Onion, my favorite feature, “What Do YOU Think?
Question: “According to the American Cancer Society, more than 60 percent of all cancer deaths could be prevented if Americans lived healthier lives. What do you think?”

Answer 1: "Preventable? What those doctors really mean is 'preventable with minor effort and inconvenience’"
Answer 2: "Boy, I'd hate to get a disease and die at 60 instead of enjoying those extra three decades of livin' la vida nursing home."
Answer 3: “My dad smoked like a chimney, ate only steaks, and drank bourbon every day, and he lived to be 54. Keep in mind, this was back in the '70s, when that was considered quite old."
Answer 4: "So, all I have to do is cut out smoking, drinking, eating, breathing, and driving, and I'll die of something other than cancer? Hooray!"
Answer 5: "That advice is all well and good, but what about people like me, who don't have the time to not smoke?"
Answer 6: "When I had cancer, I received care and attention for the first time in my life. What makes you think I'd trade that for jogging three miles a day by myself?"


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