
Monday, February 28, 2005

All Good Things Must...

A Toast to Thomas: His going-away party yesterday was a lovely coda to a great period of fun and charming experiences that I will not soon forget. Tomorrow, weather permitting, Thomas sets sail for new horizons and new wanderings, that will begin in Argentina and Brazil and likely lead through most of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.. But Thomas' spirit of adventure will live on in these parts, the trail of goodwill, good company, and good ideas he always leaves in his wake... My digital camera was on the blink yesterday, so here's a reproduced home-made party decoration:

From a recent issue of The Onion, my favorite feature, “What Do YOU Think?"

Question: “With obesity among children rising steadily, health experts say our school's physical education programs are woefully inadequate. What do you think?”

Answer 1: "Well, what do people expect? How are today's gym teachers supposed to motivate kids, now that homophobia, verbal harassment, and physical abuse are off limits?"
Answer 2: "I don't want my kids missing out on all that gym class offers. That's why I give them cruel nicknames, make them shower together, and snap them with wet towels."
Answer 3: "Oh good. It's our nation's schools that are to blame for my 200-pound son. Phew!"
Answer 4: "The dubious benefits of a mandatory exercise program weighed against the undeniable fattening of America's kids? Sounds like it's time for an in-depth shirts vs. skins debate."
Answer 5: "You know, sex burns a lot of calories. Teens love sex. I can't see why no one has thought of this before."
Answer 6: "There are many reasons that a school should have an extensive Phys Ed program. For one thing, it's the best way to increase kids' interest in reading and math."

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