Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Powder To The People
or, 'A Penny For Your Thaw' : - ) More Humor Below...
Happy Birthday, Erik! (pictured left in Kenya with Dr Dawa, maker of potent spirits drowned in honey)
Erik's birthday bash in Boston was beaten by the blizzard... (and avoid asinine alliteration :-) )
Click here for more of Erik
From this week’s Onion, my favorite feature, “What Do YOU Think?
Question: “Last week, a U.S. district judge ordered a Georgia school district to remove stickers reading, "Evolution is a theory, not a fact" from its textbooks. What do you think?”
Answer 1: "The thing is, they're right. Evolution is nothing more than a well-supported, predictive, scientifically rigorous theory."
Answer 2: "I hope they replaced the old stickers with new ones that read, 'Do not burn.'"
Answer 3: "Good. Now could New York please take the sticker off my literature textbook that says Surrealism is just a school of thought often in conflict with Abstractism?"
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