
Monday, November 22, 2004

Wide Blue Yawn-Der

Good morning. The yawning ostrich pictured left is taken from a website of yawning animal pictures.

What won't they think of next, I ask you...

Lots of great new music. U2's new album is instantly likeable, melodic and energetic - while not at all adventurous, it's a very pleasant listen. Email me if you'd like a copy...

Finished "Key Largo" on DVD, very different from what I expected from the stupid 1980 pop song. It's a gripping crime thriller rather than a romance. Full report to come.

Next several weekends I'm away - Thanksgiving with my family in Arizona, the Dec 3-5th weekend in Miami mixing business and pleasure, and the Dec 10-12 weekend in London, more business and pleasure but in a darker, greyer environment...


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