Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Yuck! Got home at 7am, happy but bleary-eyed, and noticed the rotting Halloween pumpkin on my kitchen table. In a moment of classic Aaron slapstick, I picked up the pumpkin by its handle as I went to throw it out. Imagine my vexation when its bottom half came loose and crash-landed all over my large pink Turkish rug. My curdled scream would have been more appropriate to, say, a shattered Ming vase or a chihuahua falling out of my tenth-story window....
My Mountian Of Mail included timely post-election-blues-themed issues of New York and Time Out (the latter addressed to Theodore HV Bear, btw). While New York offered five thought pieces on "How To Survive Four More Years," Time Out out-timed them with "We Shall Overcome: 43 Ways To Beat The Post-Election Blues." Will have to peruse thoroughly. Notice the smart movie quotient has risen... Awards season approacheth...
So now I must gather myself together and sally forth to work. Be it ever so humble....
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