Memories Of Chair-Man Mao
This is Mao's country house, now a museum. Y'all drop by anytime you're in Wuhan, China... : - ) We didn't expect to be there, either, but rather floating down the lovely, atmospheric Yangtze river.. But heavy flooding docked our boat, and we had to travel by bus through the farms of Hubei province to Wuhan, the provincial capital. Hubei means 'north of the lake', and Hunan, 'south of the lake.' I freaked my Mom out a little by slipping under the velvet rope in the conference hall of Mao's vacation home (pictured below.) Nothing happened, of course. Which means it's safer than NY's High Line. : - ) The cool and charming lady in the chairman's chair is Liz Allcott, with whose family my Mom and I toured China in August 2002. Liz hails from Oregon, and, being 19, was able to confirm to me that hip hop has indeed replaced rock as the primary music of young people of today : - )
# posted by Aaron @ 7:32 AM
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