Monday, March 22, 2004
Paulista Vistas, For You Armchair Turistas
On my Brazil business trip, my base will be Sao Paulo, its biggest city and center of business and culture. I will be staying near fabled Avenida Paulista, which in 1902 was a tree-lined row of coffee baron mansions, but in the 1960s became their 'Park Avenue meets Wall Street.' Paulista, then and now:
"When a poor man eats a chicken, it means one of them has been ill..." - Brazilian Proverb
Sao Paulo's treasure-filled art museum is called MASP, pronounced Masp-ee (rhymes with raspy) because Brazilians are loathe to end any word with a hard consonant. Trying to pronounce English, they say desk (desk-ie), flashback (flashie-backie) and my favorite, the mega-movie Titanic (chee-ta-nee-kee) :- )
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