I Shot An Arrow In The Air...
I feel like I've lived a lot in 48 hours, and slept very little... Nothing dramatic, just mental and social stimulation that left many insights to chew on. There were many interesting combinations at my party yesterday,
I thank my friends again for converging and mixing it up. I also had a close-but-no-cigar date on Saturday in Park Slope, a late night heart-to-heart with a friend... Perhaps it was something I consumed, but I had a particularly
bad tongue day:
bad tongue day - noun -
A day in which a person frequently mispronounces words and stumbles over sentences.
Bad tongue days are exacerbated by awkwords...
awkword - noun -
A word that is difficult to pronounce.
Shopping with Mrs. Suharto... The party's biggest surprise was the grand entrance of our
colorful and
flamboyant mystery neighbor, Greg Johnson, he of the tall boots, fur coats and dramatic scarves. Turns out he and his partner have been to
Indonesia literally 100 times, every two or three months for over 25 years, as they have two second homes in
Bali. Greg is a musician/minister/work in progress who kept my guests spellbound with his surprising narrative. Turns out he knew ex-dictator Suharto and his family quite well. He joked that Mrs. Suharto liked to invite him to go mining. They'd go into town and she'd point at things and say "that's mine.. that's mine... and that's also mine" : - )
And before I crawl into bed, I leave you my friends with this interesting photo from mused pixelflake...
# posted by Aaron @ 9:23 PM
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