Saturday, February 28, 2004
Where It's Safe..

Just when it's lovely here and I want to stay.. I'm leavin on a midnight jet plane to London (that's 3 sixties songs in there). 11 1/4 beautiful hours of sunlight, 55F delicious degrees. I should be able to post from London daily if there's a PC in range. I'm back very late Tuesday (11pm NYT, 4am London time). As you can see, I visited a few galleries today. I felt a lot of 60s and 70s undertones - op art, collages - that pleased me. Even if you're in Phoenix, Paris, or Buenos Aires, you can stroll through Chelsea galleries on-line by clicking here.

Urban Myth Confirmed! NYT article confirms that the 'walk' buttons on street corners were disactivated years ago and do absolutely nothing, but would cost $1 million to remove. Placebo buttons. Meanwhile, 10,000 miles away in Thailand, the crazy prime minister is imposing a midnight curfew, which should put a damper on partying tourists and locals. Many Thai 'night workers' are protesting to keep it at 2am - better for business...

Love hurts... when 60% of the country wants to exclude you, personally, from legal marriage and the rights thereto. I expected this from the religious right, but with 60%, it's obviously coming from the center, too. Meaning that my office, neighborhood, and subway are full of people that will let me live, but not get married..... Oh, well...
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