
Monday, May 05, 2008

They Will Possess Your Heart...

Today's Song/Video of the Week is a treat, 'I Will Possess Your Heart,' by indie pop-rock stalwarts Death Cab For Cutie.

Don't let their name scare you! DCFC, who hail from Washington state, are mellow and melodic, with lyrics that are clever, imaginative, and incisive.

'Possess' looks like it's breaking out on radio, quite a feat for an indie band, and by no means necessary for success. I've given you the four-minute edit of this song and video. This is the taut version I prefer, though the full-length album rendition clocks over eight minutes of virtuosity.

Here's the wonderful clip for 'Possess..'

DCFC's last album had two wonderful singles, 'Soul Meets Body' and 'Crooked Teeth,' the latter imagery refers to a skyline... First, 'Soul'...

Now, 'Crooked...'

Cartoon du Jour:

Engrish du Jour: I Love This Sign

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There is a going to be a mini-documentary special on Death Cab for Cutie on Current TV. It airs tonight at 10:30 pm ET/PT and online anytime after that. You can watch the teaser here: http://current.com/items/88935140_teaser_death_cab_for_cutie_open_windows
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