
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Yi Fish, Er Fish, Hángsè Fish, Tianlán Fish

After visting the New Museum Sunday afternoon, David and I strolled down Bowery toward Chinatown, through a gaggle of fishmongers...

Taking colorful photographs in Chinatown is akin to, well, shooting fish in a barrel... Below, some of my handiwork....

Chinatown brings back many memories of family outings, especially in my teen years when New York discovered Hunan and Sichuan cuisine and Dad acquired a wok...

We'd taste these once-new spice sensations at the now-defunct Four Five Six... I remember that very first plate of fried dumplings...



After the pampering: here's my 'pamper-logue'...
from my fabulous day at the spa back on Sat March 15.

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