
Sunday, April 13, 2008

State Street Serenade

Hey there, I'm still slightly sick and headed to Mexico tomorrow night for a two-day, wham-bang business trip of marathon meetings. So I've spend my weekend resting up as best as my kinetic soul will permit... It was 74F and sunny yesterday, from coat & sweater to short sleeves in 48 hours.... and back.... It's 51F but still partly sunny... I'm about to meet my personal trainer for the first of five 'refresher' sessions.'

I took these pictures two weeks back while visiting Fitch, the credit rating agency, on One State Street Plaza down by Battery Park..
Their 26th floor conference room had a terrific view of the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, and, behind it in orange splendor, the Ferry itself....

The building's architects seemed to be aiming for monumental spaces and a faint hint of art deco, but with thoroughly contemporary materials and motifs..

Frosted glass conference rooms with shiny metal handles...

Cartoon du Jour:

Engrish du Jour:

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